Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's Official

Oh no! It's official!

AG IS going to retire Kirsten after the holidays. It makes me so sad. Kirsten is my favorite historical character. I love her stories so much. Meet Kirsten is my favorite AG books. At least her books and mini doll will still be around.

I heard that quite possibly there would be a DVD made about Kirsten.

Kirsten was the doll I was going to get next (if I ever did get another). I would ask for her for christmas but the chances of getting her are zip zero nadda goose eggs.


  1. 'zip zero nadda goose eggs'. I might have to start using that! :D A DVD--cool! :D

  2. LOL! Thanks Libby! I think I got that from Charlotte's web or Tale of Desperaux!


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