Today I got my first blog award! It was from Cutie!
Thanks Cutie!!! I will now give this award to:
Cara @ Dolls of Sunshine and Glory Village
Hannah @ AG Doll Fanz
Audrey @ Auddie's Wonderful World
Joelle @ American Girl Forever
Allison @ Allison and Alli's AG website
Quinlyn @ Quinny&Co.

Copy this award and put it in your sidebar!
Now I have to say 10 things about myself
1. I DON'T like peanut butter
2. I LOVE Chocolate IceCream
3. I've held a tarantula (it was sooooooooo cute!!!)
4. I've been to Disney World Multiple times
5. I can't keep my room clean for a day
6. I take 5 dance Classes a week
7. I have very long nails
8. I have pierced ears
9. I like to cook\bake
10.I have to start school in 6 minutes