Like always, I've been up to more crafts! This time they were doll braces! This craft idea was given by Joelle (A.K.A. American Girl Forever ) Here's how to make them.
What you need
*Pens, markers, crayons, or colored pencils (I used gel pens)
*A toothpick
Here's how to make them
1. draw the braces on paper
2. cut them out
WOW! Isn't that easy?
to apply the braces, take the braces and use a toothpick to put them in your dolls mouth. They should stay in WITHOUT tape or glue
to remove the braces, take a toothpick and get it down between the doll and the paper and lift them out.
here's what they look like
...close up
...and farther away

That's really cool! I've seen movies on youtube that show you how to make braces, except you have to glue them on or something. I think that's basically abusing the doll! I really like this idea. Great job; your doll looks stunning!