Thursday, December 3, 2009

Another Award!

Hey everyone!

I decided from now on the only tags I do are awards.

I got my 2nd award today from SoOriginal!

Thank You!

So now I have to award it to 5 more people!

It's going to:

Joelle @ American Girl Forever
Liz @ American Girl Fan
QueenLucy @ QueenLucy's Journal
Audrey @ Auddie's Wonderful World
Kelsie @ Kelsie B Kewl

Now put it in your side bar and go on to give it to 5 more people!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the awards! I am new to your blog and can't wait to see some of the posts that are coming up here on your blog. I would love if you stopped by my blog and followed me and checked out the giveaway that I am having too.

    Many blessings,
    ~Be sure to check out the giveaway at my blog~


Please leave a comment for me!