Merry Christmas Everybody!!!
What a wonderful time of year it is! We opened presents this morning, here is a list of some things I got:
1. Sewing Machine
2. Honey puppy pjs for dolls
3. Honey puppy pjs for me
4. The slippers that match for me
5. fabric
6. toepads (for pointe shoes)
7. Slipper socks
8. Tree shaped cakes
9. candy canes
10. Hair clips
11. Hair elastics
12. Hair nets
13. A stuffed duck
14. A stuffed bengal tiger my little brother made for me
15. A little police doll accesorie set, My brother got it for me for my dolls as a joke, I like to put the set on my little duck!
16. Sewing pins with heart shaped heads
17. A Sara Groves CD
I think that's it. Tommorrow I'm leaving for my aunts house for a family gathering, so I'll have to miss show and tell Wednesday again.
Let's not forget about the whole reason of Christmas, Jesus Christ's birthday, the day when Jesus came to earth as a baby, so that later on he could die on the cross for our sins. We should NEVER forget that.
Merry Christmas!!!!

Merry Christmas to you too! I can't wait to see the Honey Puppy PJ's on your dolls! ;)